Quebec Cemeteries Inventory  

This database contains an inventory of cemeteries and other burial grounds in the Province of Quebec (3556 records). It permits the geo-location of these cemeteries. Various maps are available for display: street, satellite, terrain and topographic maps. It is also possible to obtain .gpx files that can be read by many GPS units, and .kml files that are used by Google Maps®, by Google Earth® and by various GPS softwares (GPSBabel).
Note: this site does not contain any photos of grave markers, and it does not contain any burial list of individuals, but it contains pictures for some cemeteries (generic views, crosses and figures, etc.)
Please contact me for updates, additions and/or comments.
PS: This database was originally built in french. Some of the fields are not yet translated in english. Sorry for the inconveniences.

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(film by Michel Brault and Pierre Perrault, 1962, N.F.B.)

Developper: Daniel Labelle Français 2025-01-16