Reedsville Cemetery (North Hatley)

Cemetery #   896
Caption fr.   Cimetière Reedsville (North Hatley)
Caption eng.   Reedsville Cemetery (North Hatley)
Name fr.   Cimetière Reedsville, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Québec
Name eng.   Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
GPS Name   Reedsville (North Hatley)
Location name   Reedsville alias North Hatley
Address_1   À l'est sur le Chemin Capelton
Address_2   Environ 450 mètres au nord du Chemin Vaughan
Ward/Sector   - County   Stanstead
Town   North Hatley GeoEntity   1055
M.R.C.   Memphrémagog Church proximity   No
Region   Estrie    
  Geographical coordinates
Latitude   45.287081°  (N45°17'13.488") Longitude   -71.962804°  (W071°57'46.08")
Altitude   186 Metres  (610 Feet) Precision   Accurate positioning: ±2.0 M (±6.8 Ft)
UTM - Easting   267,655.68 Metres UTM - Northing   5,019,113.23 Metres
UTM - Zone   19 T Borden code   -
  Cadaster (Lots)
#4029792   Cemetery lot - Active
Registered Area    29,950.5 M²  (322,384.5 Feet²)
Denomination   Protestant/Undefined
Parish   -
  History (dates)
Foundation   - Closed   -
First burial   1849 Last burial   -
Parish creation   - Count date   2013
Visit date   2019/08/26 Visited by   Daniel Labelle
Area   18,108 Metres² (194,913 Feet²) Perimeter   538 Metres (1,765 Feet)
Position vs church   Distant Spatial arrangement   Orthogonal - monoblock
Columbarium(s)   - Chapel   No
Nb. of burials   1,663 Nb. of monuments   -
Active   Yes Confirmed   Yes
Classification   Cemetery/Graveyard/Churchyard Archeology/History    False
Record creation   2011/04/29 Last modification   2019/08/31
General   Adjacent au cimetière Ste-Elisabeth
Interlinks   This cemetery is directly adjacent to another one. Click this line to reach the adjacent cemetery.
  >>> Ste-Elisabeth R.C. Cemetery (North Hatley)
 2 - Google. Google Earth®. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 3 - GeoMart., Cartes topographiques du Canada au 1:50000. (, USA, 2011. [Atlas-Web].
 6 - TrakMaps. TrakMaps Topo Québec 20K, Garmin routable 1:20000, V#3.0.0. (, Québec, 2011. [Software (Atlas)].
 82 - LABELLE, Daniel. Visites et photographies de cimetières. Québec, 2011. [Photos].
 128 - ROGERS, Steve. The War Graves Photographic Project, in association with The Commonwealth War Graves Commission. (, 2011. Canada_Quebec_v3.kmz [Atlas-Web].
 131 - BRODEUR, Mario (dir.) Guide des Cimetières du Québec. La Fabrique de la Paroisse Notre-Dame de Montréal, Québec, 2012, 337 pages. [Book].
 200 - NUTBROWN, Leslie. Cemeteries of the Eastern Townships of Quebec - Canada. RootsWeb/, (, Canada, March 2009. [Web site], Consultation date: 25/07/2013.
 709 - Commission de protection du territoire agricole Québec. Cartographie - Géomatique, Application Déméter. (, 2015. Cadastre / Photos aériennes monochromes [Atlas-Web].
 1374 - Cadastre du Québec. Infolot. Énergie et Ressources naturelles Québec, (, March 2019. Base de données cadastrale du Québec [Atlas-Web].


Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Overview - Portal
Author:  Daniel Labelle
Date: 26 Aug 2019
Source:  82
Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Author:  Daniel Labelle
Date: 26 Aug 2019
Source:  82
Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Reedsville Cemetery, North Hatley, Memphrémagog, Estrie, Quebec
Author:  Daniel Labelle
Date: 26 Aug 2019
Source:  82

Maps, GPS files and other links
              Google Maps  
              Bing Maps  
           Interactive map  
           Topo maps (1:50,000)  
           (Google Earth must be installed on your system)  
           (Use BaseCamp to load into Garmin GPS)  
           (Use GPSBabel for file conversions)  
           (GPS-Utility must be installed on your system)  
Nearby cemeteries:        for a radius of   KM (max: 100)

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